Kathy is an equine and physical therapist who specialises in Equine Sports Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Muscle Release, Myofascial Release, electronic muscle stimulation and Low level laser Therapy.
Each animal is treated as an individual. Kathy will discuss in depth the symptoms your animal is displaying and also how it worked and moved prior to this. It may be necessary to see your horse lunged or even ridden to fully assess the issue.
Working in Partnership
Equine and Canine Physio
Tightness, knots and injury to the soft tissue can cause pain, lack of function, and inability or unwillingness to do their normal job. Soft tissue tension/injury can often result in skeletal misalignments sometimes far away from the prime injury site. If this is not treated it will eventually result in a lack of performance and possibly behavioural problems.
Kathy uses a number of techniques to help your horse or dog:
Trigger Point Therapy
Muscle Release Therapy
Myofascial Release
Sports Massage
Kathy works in conjunction with your Vet, Farrier, Saddler, and other professionals to provide a holistic approach for your animal.
If you have any issue or problem you would just like to discuss, please get in touch.

Horse and Rider Partnerships
Ever wondered whether your horse is crooked? Does the horse throw the rider crooked? Does the rider make the horse crooked? What happens if you have the horse treated but the rider is still crooked?
Kathy will watch you ride your horse whilst wearing the visualise jacket and take photographs and video. Kathy will work with you to decide the best way forward for you and your horse.

Its only when you perform stretches on your horse that you realise how tight or supple the horse is. Stretches form an important component of a fitness and rehabilitation routine. As part of the treatment you will be shown how to perform stretches on your horse or pony as part of an after-care program.
Pilates, Stretches and Massage - Horse Owners Course
Learn how to check your horse for tension and injury. Learn basic massage moves and strokes to help keep your horse supple and fit.
On this course you will learn:
Basic Anatomy and Physiology
Passive Stretches
Massage Strokes
Pilates; to strengthen your horses inner core
Using feel to check for tension and possible injury
Kathy will be offering courses at local yards that you can join, alternatively, if you get 6 people together and she can come to your yard and work with you on your own horses.