Your therapist: Kathy Boyer
Kathy is a specialist in equine and canine physical therapy and rehabilitation. She works in partnership with other professionals to provide a complete service for your horse or dog.
She is fully qualified and insured in Equine Sports Massage, Low level laser , Laser acupuncture and Myofascial release. She is also a student on an MSc in veterinary physiotherapy with CEPT
Kathy owns her own ex-racehorse Darcie Mia whom she shows and regularly competes at dressage.
Kathy works throughout Yorkshire, Co Durham,the North East and some areas of the North West.
New services
Thermal imaging
We now offer thermal imaging as part of our initial and ongoing assessment.
Laser acupuncture
After completing the Introduction to laser acupuncture course delivered by Omega lasers, we can now offer this as part of our service
Check out the services section to find out more

Horses as athletes
Whatever your discipline; dressage, show jumping, eventing, driving, endurance, hacking or just groundwork; have you ever considered what you are asking of your horse or pony?
Horses evolved as grazers, roaming around looking for forage and avoiding prey animals. We ask them to do a lot more. They carry the extra weight of tack and a saddle, then we add a rider (which can equate to asking the horse to carry a sack of coal on its back), and then we ask the horse to perform.
Its not surprising then that horses have tense, sore and torn muscles, put their joints out and generally can't work at their best. A regular physical treatment can help keep your horse free from injury, rehabilitate after injury and be an early indicator of conditions such as osteoarthritis
To schedule an appointment call 07964493122 or email kathy@kbequinetherapy.co.uk
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